
Leadership Camps


Kilometer from Durban to L'Abri
  1. From Durban go onto the N3 towards Pietermaritzburg
  2. At Pietermaritzburg, take the Chota Motala turnoff and turn right towards the old Greytown Road R33
  3. Go over the bridge (N3 Highway) and follow road to KFC (SPAR Shopping Centre on your left)
  4. Turn right at intersection (R33)
  5. Continue along R33 until the first York-turnoff (± 23 km)
  6. Turn left onto dirt road and continue until Rietvlei Turnoff (± 7 km)
  7. Turn left at Rietvlei and follow road until you reach L’Abri (right hand side of the road), Farm No 6 (+-12km)


Kilometer from Johannesburgto L'Abri
  1. Follow the N3 towards Mooi River / Durban
  2. Take Mooi River Exit 143 at the Mooi River Toll Plaza
  3. At T-junction turn right and follow the road to the next T-junction.
  4. Turn right onto the R103 until you reach the Greytown R622 turnoff
  5. Turn right onto the R622 and  travel on the R622 for ± 36km
  6.   At the Karkloof / New Hanover turnoff, turn right onto the dirt road and travel for ± 10 km.
  7. Turn left  towards York (look for L’Abri signboard) and follow the road for ± 15 km until you reach L’Abri on your left,
  8.     Farm No 6 (Do not take District Road on left)

From Pietermaritzburg

Kilometer from Pietermaritzburg to L'Abri
  1. From: Market Square
  2. Follow Langalibalele Street (Long Market Street)
  3. Turn left at the end of Langalibalele Street (Longmarket Street)
  4. Turn right at the next intersection Chota Motala Road (Old Greytown Road R33)
  5. Go over the bridge and follow road to KFC (SPAR Shopping Centre on your left)
  6. Turn right at intersection (R33)
  7. Continue along R33 until the first York-turnoff (± 23 km)
  8. Turn left onto dirt road and continue until Rietvlei Turnoff (± 7 km)
  9. Turn left at Rietvlei and follow road until you reach L’Abri (right hand side of the road), Farm No 6 (+-12km)



062 12345 46


062 12345 46